During Foster Care Fortnight, Foster Wales Cardiff is calling on people in the city to consider becoming foster carers to support local young people.
Recent research by Foster Wales - the national network of local authority fostering services - found people are often put off applying to become a foster carer because they don't believe they have the ‘right' skills and experience.

In its new cookbook Bring Something to the Table, Foster Wales highlights the simple things, a carer can offer - like the security of a regular meal, family time around the table, and creating new food favourites.
The book features recipes from the foster care community and celebrities, including Master Chef winner Wynne Evans and Olympic athlete and foster care campaigner, Fatima Whitbread, who was herself in care.
Former Great British Bake-Off contestant Jon Jenkins and comedian Kiri Pritchard Mclean also added recipes - drawing on their personal experiences as foster carers.
Sophia Warner, an illustrator, campaigner, and care-experienced young person, illustrated and wrote the foreword for the cookbook, as well as contributing a recipe. "I penned ‘Brecon Bolognese' for the cookbook, based on my foster mum's recipe.
"This recipe holds a special place in my heart because it was the first meal I had when I moved into my foster home. I mentioned that my birth mum used to make it, and my foster mum lovingly prepared it for me. As I sat around the table with my new foster family, I felt a sense of belonging and warmth, making me feel truly welcome."
In Wales, there are more than 7,000 children in care, but only 3,800 foster families.
Foster Wales aims to recruit over 800 new foster families by 2026, to provide welcoming homes for local children and young people.
The cookbook will be distributed to foster carers across Wales, and you can download a digital version here.
To find out more about becoming a foster carer in Cardiff, visit https://cardiff.fosterwales.gov.wales/